About Us
Ever wondered what happens when you mix gaming and underwear?
Luckily, we did.
Our journey began with a crowdfunding campaign—the launchpad for our quest. That’s our spawn point. From there, we leveled up into a company: Maison Pixel, based in Lisbon, Portugal.
Suddenly, pixelated bottoms were popping up everywhere—from flash parties in Seoul to press articles in major news outlets around the world. We became our own bosses, which, in our books, is just as satisfying as defeating the final level boss. Isn’t it?!
A passionate community of fans joined in the fun, transforming our two-player startup into a massive online multiplayer phenomenon. These are people who don’t just wear our gear—they show it off.
Here’s a little easter egg: yes, there’s someone out there with a Pixel Panties tattoo. And no, it’s not one of us. Nor is it our parents.
Pixel Panties have been gifted for engagements, breakups, Christmases, and Hanukkahs. They’ve even graced a few kinky occasions that we’re not at liberty to discuss.
Unofficially, unintentionally—and sometimes even without knowing it ourselves—we’ve become the go-to for 8-bit bottom customization. Our happy customers, cosplayers, and models wear Pixel Panties under everything from wedding gowns and lab coats to hijabs, kimonos, jeans, and superhero costumes.
(They’re super comfortable, which is why people wear them under their pants—not over. Looking at you, Clark Kent.)
We may not have broken the internet, but we definitely cracked it. More importantly, we’ve bridged the gap between fashion design and gaming.
Maison Pixel is the pioneer of clothing for gamers. The first brand to cover the roundest of surfaces with pixel squares—a feat so unique it earned us a design patent.
Today, our products ship to over 40 countries. Hello there, Isle of Man!
That’s a buttload of panties. (Get it? Buttload… Hehe.)
Every pair is produced in Portugal, in a factory free from child labor, where workers’ rights—including work conditions, wages, and safety—are held to the highest standards. To achieve pixel perfection, we use laser-cutting technology—no sews, just precision cuts—and premium Italian fabric from an environmentally certified supplier.
And that’s not all. We recently launched a swimwear line, bringing pixel bikinis and swimsuits to the sand—because, as we all know, sand is just the pixel of rocks.
Our fabric is made from recycled plastic, so when you dive into a pool, it’s like bringing an old plastic bottle back home to meet its family.
Dreaming big and weird—that’s what we do best.